Embryoscope and IVF

What is the Embryoscope?

The Embryoscope is a machine which uses digital photography and image processing to monitor up to 72 embryos simultaneously capturing fertilisation and providing valuable information which improves embryo evaluation and could increase the chance of a pregnancy. The sophisticated imaging technology provides very clear, high resolution images of each embryo with a frequency of up to 1 image every 10 minutes. This provides some of the most accurate data on various developmental parameters, such as time to first cell division, and has identified abnormal development such as the simultaneous division from 1 cell to 3 cells.

How and where is the Embryoscope used?

The Embryoscope is used in an IVF laboratory and is operated by qualified and trained scientists who continue to monitor the additional information an Embryoscope provides on the developing embryo.

It is well established that evaluation of embryo development currently provides the best available prediction of which embryos will remain viable and more likely to result in a live birth. This method of evaluating embryos has been used for decades. An example is the embryo transition from 2 cells to 4 cells, which occurs at about 42 hours post fertilisation. This and many other developmental changes occur in a very time dependent manner with an implied normal time range in which the changes should be completed. Developmental changes outside this range may be associated with reduced pregnancy outcomes.

What are the benefits of using the Embryoscope?

  • Increased ability to evaluate an embryo based on a historic record of developmental changes being photographed from the start of fertilisation;
  • Less risk to the embryo as they do not need to be removed from their culture media in the incubators, thereby avoiding exposure to adverse environmental variations of which temperature is the most important;
  • A more accurate assessment is possible by time lapse photography which occurs at more frequent intervals than the twice daily checks previously considered the benchmark; and
  • Time lapse photography has the potential to provide diagnostic information to explain abnormalities in embryo development.

Who would benefit from using the Embryoscope?

Any patient undergoing IVF will benefit from the embryo evaluation that the Embryoscope provides.  Many fertility clinics now provide Embryoscope monitoring as part of their IVF procedure, and patients are advised to ask their fertility clinic about access to this technology.